I'm working on a reporting tool that I'm not sure how to build -
Basically, I am using a form, that takes the users input and converts it.
The overall structure of the object will look something like this...
object {
userInput: ' ',
available: ' ',
once the user has input some data, it should take the input and change into a different number.
silo_1Lookup = userInput => {
silo_1DepthsFilling = [926, 893, 860, 827, 794, 761];
Conversion will be done in 1 function, and then updates the object.
pseudo code:
if (object.userInput === "0") {
object.available = "926";
Each value will correspond with an index in that array, so if object.userInput === '2.5'
then object.avaible will be 761 (arrayIndex: 6
One way is using a dictionary to map userInput
to available
value, something like:
const USER_MAPPING = {
"0": "926",
"3": "5412",
"2": "2321"
// ... rest values
// usage
return USER_MAPPING[object.userInput];
Such mapping is hard-coded and opens opportunities for bugs, so if there is any logic behind userInput
and the values, you should generate some function for it:
return generateAvailable(object.userInput)