I wonder how to check the file-size in Java without opening or reading the file via UNC Path from two different Microsoft Server? It is for an Interface Engine Filter Function. So no HTML DOM etc. is available.
What works so right now: There is an Util Function from the API
which does not work on UNC PATHS due an Error:
Wrapped java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: \\server\folder\file.pdf
Example for use:
var filePath = msg['path'].toString();
var fileContent = java.nio.file.Files.size(java.nio.file.Paths.get(filePath));
var fileSize = fileContent / 1048576;
logger.debug("Filesize in MB: " + fileSize);
Expect: A way to read the file size out file attribute via UNC access
Since you know the file path, you always may use java.io.File.length() to return the length, in bytes, of the file. I.e.:
var filePath = msg['path'].toString();
// Validate that the filePath is indeed a file and it exists
var fileSize = Packages.java.io.File(filePath).length();