I'm trying to set up Gradle to launch the bootRun
process with various Spring profiles enabled.
My current bootRun
configuration looks like:
bootRun {
// pass command line options from gradle to bootRun
// usage: gradlew bootRun "-Dspring.profiles.active=local,protractor"
if (System.properties.containsKey('spring.profiles.active')) {
systemProperty "spring.profiles.active", System.properties['spring.profiles.active']
I'd like to set system properties with a gradle
task, and then execute bootRun
My attempt looked like this:
task bootRunDev
bootRunDev {
System.setProperty("spring.profiles.active", "Dev")
A few questions:
a part of the Spring Boot bootRun configuration?bootRunDev
configuration to happen before bootRun
?Spring Boot v2 Gradle plugin docs provide an answer:
6.1. Passing arguments to your application
Like all JavaExec tasks, arguments can be passed into bootRun from the command line using
when using Gradle 4.9 or later.
To run server with active profile set to dev:
$ ./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=dev'