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Input prompt with options yeoman

I'm new to programming, and I'm creating a generator with yeoman-generator. How do I go through an array of objects and select the option I choose? I tried it but it didn't work. can you help me?

prompting() {

const prompts = [
   type: 'checkbox',
   name: 'database',
   message: 'Select Database support:',
   choices: [
                    name: 'H2',
                    value: 'h2',
                }, {
                    name: 'HSQLDB',
                    value: 'hsqldb'

                }, {
                    name: 'Apache Derby',
                    value: 'derby'
    return this.prompt(prompts).then(answers => {
       this.database = answers.database;
       const hasDataBase = db => this.database.indexOf(db) !== -1;
       this.h2 = hasDataBase('h2');
       this.hsqldb = hasDataBase('hsql');
       this.derby = hasDataBase('derby');


  • This is the format it can take (from their example page I tested this myself and it works.

    var Generator = require('yeoman-generator');
    module.exports = class extends Generator {
      async prompting() {
        const prompts = await this.prompt([
            type: 'checkbox',
            name: 'database',
            message: 'Select Database support:',
            choices: [
                name: 'H2',
                value: 'h2',
              }, {
                name: 'HSQLDB',
                value: 'hsqldb'
              }, {
                name: 'Apache Derby',
                value: 'derby'
        this.log("database", prompts.database);