I've been asked to launch an Excel file, created at RunTime inside the RAM memory.
For example, with:
Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("c:\....\fileName.xlsx"));
I can "launch" Excel program that open the file "c:....\fileName.xlsx".
Since my file is created inside the RAM memory this way:
FileSystemManager fsm = VFS.getManager();
FileObject RAM = fsm.resolveFile("ram://ramFileName.xlsx");
OutputStream os = RAM.getContent().getOutputStream();
FileInputStream sorgente = new FileInputStream("C:\\originalFile.xlsx");
int singloByte;
while ((singloByte = sorgente.read()) != -1) {
is there a way to open a file created only in RAM memory and not in file system?
Thank you
Excel files can't be "launched". What Desktop.open()
does is finds the default handler for the file (presumably Excel in this case), and launches the handler with the given file as a parameter.
Since Excel can't open "in-memory files" (AFAIK), you have no choice but to write it to a temporary file to open it.