I got really nasty problem that I do not understand...
We have a whole set of util-libraries written with jdk8 and no relation to jigsaw so we also do not have set the Automatic-Module-Name within the META-INF file.
Now we need to migrate a product to java11 that uses these util-libraries.
From my IDE I get the folloging error:
package 'x' is declared in the unnamed module but module 'y' does not read it.
package x is within one of our util-libraries and module y is the product that should be migrated to java11.
Any ideas so that I can understand this problem?
Best regards
The solution of this specific problem was just my IDE. IntelliJ does not support reading "unnamed modules" or "automatic modules" from imported "projects" within the IDE. I already started a bugreport at jetbrains.