I've been working with the bluebird library's Promise.map function, which is returning me an Array of resolved promises, from the array it receives - as it should.
I only want to map the over the array until it reaches a first resolve, then it and exit.
What I have so far is:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
let comparer = async function (img1, imgURLarray) {
const img = img1
new Promise.map(imgURLarray, function (imgurl) {
let img2 = new Promise(x => x(Jimp.read('https:' + imgurl)))
let diff = Jimp.diff(await img, await img2);
return diff.percent
}).then(function (res) {
comparer(img1, imgURLarray)
The param img1 is an Object
constant, while imgURLarray is contains over 200 Strings
which are compared 1:1 - Through the library Jimp.
Instead of returning an entire array of 200+ Jimp.diff objects. I want to return only the first which satisfies this condition:
(diff.percent < 0.01 ? return imgurl : --END MAP FUNCTION-- )
I looked into Promise.some(), but since I'm not starting with an array of promises I don't think that would work. Anyone know how it could be done? Would be very appreciated.
It's probably much simpler than you expected:
async function comparer(img, imgURLarray) {
for (const imgurl of imgURLarray);
const otherimg = await Jimp.read('https:' + imgurl);
const diff = Jimp.diff(img, otherimg);
if (diff.percent < 0.01)
return imgurl;
throw new Error("no imgurl with diff.percent < 0.01 found"); // or whatever you want to do