Hi i have two java objects, which are independent to each other, but share the same getter and setter methods. For example, I have an UserEntity and UserDTO object and I will map all getter values from the UserEntity to all setter of the UserDTO.
What is the best way of doing such kind of things? I prefer to do it with java reflection, but I also would like to now if there are some useful framework implementations outside.
There is a great mapper library called MapStruct which can used to map.
Here an example for your UserEntity and UserDTO:
public interface UserMapper {
UserMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
UserDTO userEntityToUserDTO(UserEntity user);
UserDTO userDto = UserMapper.INSTANCE.userEntityToUserDTO(userEntity);
It also supports conversion between compatible types and it's also possible to set custom mappings if fields aren't named the same. For example:
@Mapping(source = "userName", target = "name")