If my last Keras Layer X outputs a tensor which looks, e.g. like this:
{4, [22, 16, 11, 33], 24},
{4, [12, 33, 87, 17], 14},
{3, [92, 407, 25, 27], 34}
How can I add one more Layer Y that converts the output of X like this:
{4, "22|16|11|33", 24},
{4, "12|33|87|17", 14},
{3, "92|407|25|27", 34}
In other words, I need to turn the second dimension into a string, with all values concatenated.
I'm not sure if Keras has method for this specific problem. A possible solution (if you can use list), is the following implementation:
# Imagine you have a output layer like this:
a = [
[4, [22, 16, 11, 33], 24],
[4, [12, 33, 87, 17], 14],
[3, [92, 407, 25, 27], 34]
# "transpose" the list and get the second element
column1 = list(zip(*a))[1]
# Join all elements with "|"
newColumn1 = ['|'.join(str(e) for e in row) for row in column1]
# Put back the modified column
b = list(zip(*a))
b[1] = newColumn1
# "Untranspose" your list
a2 = list(zip(*b))
Your output will be:
[(4, '22|16|11|33', 24), (4, '12|33|87|17', 14), (3, '92|407|25|27', 34)]