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Why does ejabberdctl not give a response for the check_password command?

I would like to use the command "ejabberdctl check_password user host password" but it does not respond. Why is this? I can use ejabberdctl to register a user, change a password, list users by host, but when I try to use the "check_password" command, there is no response on my command line. Is there a config setting I must update for this command to show a true or false response?


  • but it does not respond. Why is this?

    As mentioned in its definition, that command returns a code:

    $ ejabberdctl help check_password
      Command Name: check_password
      Arguments: user::binary
      Returns: res::rescode
      Tags:  accounts
      Description:  Check if a password is correct

    How to see the code? One way:

    $ ejabberdctl check_password user1 localhost mypass11
    $ echo $?
    $ ejabberdctl check_password user1 localhost thisiswrong
    $ echo $?