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Why are ElasticBeanstalk .ebextensions ignored when using AWSJavaScriptSDK?

When using the AWS JavaScript SDK to update an ElasticBeanstalk environment my .ebextensions/* are being ignored. I'm uploading the application source bundle as a .zip file to S3, which triggers a Lambda to deploy a new application version using this piece of code:

const elasticbeanstalk = new AWS.ElasticBeanstalk();

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  const versionLabel = "myVersionString" + (new Date().toUTCString());

  // elasticbeanstalk.createApplicationVersion [...]

    "EnvironmentName": "myEBEnvironment",
    "VersionLabel": versionLabel


When uploading the same source bundle within the AWS management console, all my .ebextensions are being executed as expected.

There is nothing special inside of the *.config files. I'm just creating a few files based on environment variables to use later, e.g.

    mode: "000777"
    content: |

      if [ -z ${MY_KEY+x} ]
          echo "MY_KEY is not set. skip."
          echo "prepare MY_KEY ..."
          echo $MY_KEY > /home/ec2-user/key
    command: "/home/ec2-user/"

As a result the file /home/ec2-user/ is not being generated (or updated) and the command set_up is not being executed during the Lambda deploy.

I double checked the source bundles. All my .ebextensions/*.config files are there. There are no .ebignore files in my project directory.


  • VersionLabel cannot contain a comma.

    In the Lambda I was using new Date().toUTCString() which is being appended to a static version label. This results in a string like "myVersionString Mon, 09 Sep 2019 08:16:23 GMT". The included comma caused .ebextensions not being properly extracted by Elastic Beanstalk.

    I'm now appending just an ISO String, which does not contain any commas.

    const versionLabel = "myVersionString" + (new Date().toISOString());