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Launch Jasper Report Studio and import projects via command line

I need to launch Jasper Reports Studio and specify a custom workspace directory and import all existing projects.

I'm trying this commands but without success:

"Jasper Studio.exe" -data /path/to/my/workspace -import /path/to/my/workspace/project1 -import /path/to/my/workspace/project2


"Jasper Studio.exe" -data /path/to/my/workspace -import project1 -import project2

I already tried too use the eclipsec.exe with these arguments, but the Jasper Studio always starts clean, without my projects (project1 and project2), but with an default project created by the studio called My Reports.

I was basing my tries on this link but it seems to be not official.


  • A solution is to use a plugin in Jasper Studio to be able to import projects from a directory via command line: