So I'm working on a personal project, trying to learn Java 8 and Spring Boot. I'm developing a REST API where you can view and book accommodations.
These are my model classes, here's the Accommodation class:
@Document(collection = "accommodations")
public class Accommodation {
private String accommodationId;
private Double pricePerNight;
private Integer guests;
private Address address;
private Landlord landlord;
private List<Review> reviews;
private List<Booking> bookings;
private Accommodation() { = new ArrayList<>();
this.bookings = new ArrayList<>();
public Accommodation(Double pricePerNight, Integer guests, Address address, Landlord landlord) {
this.pricePerNight = pricePerNight;
this.guests = guests;
this.address = address;
this.landlord = landlord;
public Boolean isAvailableBetween(LocalDate checkin, LocalDate checkout) {
// TODO: fix
boolean available = bookings
.anyMatch(b ->
(checkin.isAfter(b.getCheckin()) || checkin.isEqual(b.getCheckin())) &&
(checkout.isBefore(b.getCheckout()) || checkout.isEqual(b.getCheckout()))
return !available;
Here's the Booking class:
public class Booking {
private String bookingId;
private LocalDate checkin;
private LocalDate checkout;
private LocalDate bookedAt;
private Booking(){
this.bookedAt =;
this.bookingId = new ObjectId().toString();
public Booking(LocalDate checkin, LocalDate checkout) {
this.checkin = checkin;
this.checkout = checkout;
Now, what I've been stuck with, and I would like to accomplish is to make sure that you can add a Booking to the List of bookings of an Accommodation, ONLY IF the new Booking's checkin and checkout LocalDates do not overlap any of the range of LocalDates of any other Booking in the same list.
TLDR; need to make sure that you can only book the Accommodation in the days that the Accommodation is available.
Here's the method in my Service class, which is called by a Controller after an HTTP POST request for a booking:
public BookingDto bookAccommodation(String accommodationId, BookingDto bookingDto) {
// TODO: fix and improve
if (this.isCheckoutDateInvalid(bookingDto)) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid request.", Arrays.asList("Check Out must be after Check In."));
Optional<Accommodation> accommodation = this.accommodationRepository.findById(accommodationId);
accommodation.orElseThrow(() -> new AccommodationNotFoundException(String.format("Accommodation not found for ID: {}", accommodationId)));
return accommodation
.filter(a -> a.isAvailableBetween(bookingDto.getCheckin(), bookingDto.getCheckout()))
.map(a -> bookAccommodationInternal(bookingDto, a))
.orElseThrow(() -> new AccommodationNotAvailableException(String.format("Accommodation already booked for ID: {}", accommodationId)));
private Boolean isCheckoutDateInvalid(BookingDto bookingDto) {
return bookingDto.getCheckout().isBefore(bookingDto.getCheckin());
private BookingDto bookAccommodationInternal(BookingDto bookingDto, Accommodation accommodation) {
Booking booking = this.accommodationMapper.toBooking(bookingDto);
accommodation.getBookings().add(booking);"New booking created for ID: {}", booking.getBookingId()));;
BookingDto newBookingDto = new BookingDto(booking);
return this.linkAssembler.addLinksToBooking(accommodation.getAccommodationId(), newBookingDto);
Here's the BookingDto class:
public class BookingDto extends ResourceSupport {
private String bookingId;
@NotNull(message = "Check In must not be null.")
@FutureOrPresent(message = "Check In must not be a past date.")
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING,
pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
private LocalDate checkin;
@NotNull(message = "Check Out must not be null.")
@FutureOrPresent(message = "Check Out must not be a past date.")
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING,
pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
private LocalDate checkout;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING,
pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy")
private LocalDate bookedAt;
public BookingDto(Booking booking) {
this.bookingId = booking.getBookingId();
this.checkin = booking.getCheckin();
this.checkout = booking.getCheckout();
this.bookedAt = booking.getBookedAt();
Now as you can see from the code, I tried to work with a Stream in the "isAvailableBetween" method, owned by the Accommodation class. The predicate that I'm using works in some cases:
For example if the list of bookings of an Accommodation (let's call it Acc1) has two bookings with the following LocalDates:
Checkin: 10/10/2019 Checkout: 31/10/2019
Checkin: 01/11/2019 Checkout: 09/11/2019
Adding a Booking3 with:
Checkin: 12/10/2019 Checkout: 25/10/2019
is not going to be possible.
But it is possible (wrongly) to add a Booking4 with:
Checkin: 12/10/2019 Checkout: 02/11/2019
Any suggestions on how I can fix this predicate and still use Java Streams?
Or is there any other way (perhaps a better way) to accomplish this sort of "booking system" altogether?
I'm also open to any kind of tips about the rest of the code that I've shared. Anything really. Trying my hardest to improve. :)
Thanks in advance.
Your error is here:
.anyMatch(b ->
(checkin.isAfter(b.getCheckin()) || checkin.isEqual(b.getCheckin())) &&
(checkout.isBefore(b.getCheckout()) || checkout.isEqual(b.getCheckout()))
First, the variable name should be occupied
, not available
, which is the opposite of what you are checking. Second, I believe the correct condition is (not tested):
.anyMatch(b -> b.getCheckin().isBefore(checkout)
&& b.getCheckout().isAfter(checkin)
I like to think of it the other way around: The accommodation is available if the booking is entirely before or entirely after the one we are proposing. So if either b.getCheckin()
is on or after checkout
or b.getCheckout()
is before or on checkin
. The condition in the above code is the negation of this, so checks whether the booking b
conflicts with the proposed one.