I'm building web application that is using GraphQL with leangen graphql-spqr.
I have problem with exception handling. For example inside service class I'm using spring bean validation that checks for some validity and if its not correct, its throwing ConstraintViolationException.
Is there any way to add some exception handler that would send proper message to the client? Something like ExceptionHandler for controllers in rest api?
Or maybe it should be done in other way?
Solution I have found is to implement DataFetcherExceptionHandler, override onException method and set it as default exception handler.
public class ExceptionHandler implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler {
public DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult onException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
Throwable exception = handlerParameters.getException();
// do something with exception
GraphQLError error = GraphqlErrorBuilder
return DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult
and to set it as default exception handler for querys and mutations
.queryExecutionStrategy(new AsyncExecutionStrategy(new ExceptionHandler()))
.mutationExecutionStrategy(new AsyncExecutionStrategy(new ExceptionHandler()))