I am using ninject + mediatR. I have class that inherits methods from different interfaces:
class Query : IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>, interfaceName1, interfaceName2
public string methodFromFirstInterface();
public string methodFromSecondInterface();
and I would like to use mediatR to work with this query. Can I do something like this?
public class QueryHandler : IRequestHandler<Query, IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>
//first handler
public IReadOnlyList<QueryResult> Handle(Query message)
//second handler
public IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel> Handle(interfaceName1 message)
//third handler
public IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel> Handle(interfaceName2 message)
Is it possible somehow to send a query with mediatR to call second or third handler, not the first?
This is not possible, requests are dispatched to handlers by concrete request type. You would have to create derrived type for each request:
public class Query1 : Query, interfaceName1, IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>
public class Query2 : Query, interfaceName2, IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>
Than your handler would look like:
public class QueryHandler :
IRequestHandler<Query, IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>,
IRequestHandler<Query1, IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>,
IRequestHandler<Query2, IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>
and dispatch:
mediator.Send<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>(new Query1());
mediator.Send<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>(new Query2());