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Is it possible to handle one query but with different handlers using mediatR?

I am using ninject + mediatR. I have class that inherits methods from different interfaces:

class Query : IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>, interfaceName1, interfaceName2
    public string methodFromFirstInterface();
    public string methodFromSecondInterface();

and I would like to use mediatR to work with this query. Can I do something like this?

public class QueryHandler : IRequestHandler<Query, IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>
    //first handler 
    public IReadOnlyList<QueryResult> Handle(Query message)
    //second handler 
    public IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel> Handle(interfaceName1 message)

    //third handler 
    public IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel> Handle(interfaceName2 message)

Is it possible somehow to send a query with mediatR to call second or third handler, not the first?


  • This is not possible, requests are dispatched to handlers by concrete request type. You would have to create derrived type for each request:

    public class Query1 : Query, interfaceName1, IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>
    public class Query2 : Query, interfaceName2, IRequest<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>

    Than your handler would look like:

    public class QueryHandler : 
        IRequestHandler<Query, IReadOnlyList<QueryResult>>,
        IRequestHandler<Query1, IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>,
        IRequestHandler<Query2, IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>

    and dispatch:

    mediator.Send<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>(new Query1());
    mediator.Send<IReadOnlyList<QweReportModel>>(new Query2());