I want to bind the currency codes and Values seperatly
"rates": {
"USD": 1,
"AED": 3.672057,
"ARS": 56.01249,
"AUD": 1.46368,
"BGN": 1.77167,
"BRL": 4.087588,
"BSD": 1,
"CAD": 1.320503,
"CHF": 0.987394,
"CLP": 716.341326,
"CNY": 7.13045,
"COP": 3416.761905,
"CZK": 23.407844,
"DKK": 6.757576,
"DOP": 51.214847,
"EGP": 16.42298,
"EUR": 0.906246,
"FJD": 2.190098,
"GBP": 0.812305,
"GTQ": 7.682227,
"HKD": 7.838661,
"HRK": 6.706097,
"HUF": 298.791592,
"IDR": 14146.297846,
"ILS": 3.517842,
"INR": 71.751368,
"ISK": 126.170061,
"JPY": 106.936393,
"KRW": 1194.541725,
"KZT": 387.848649,
"MXN": 19.613284,
"MYR": 4.184189,
"NOK": 8.99096,
"NZD": 1.561619,
"PAB": 1,
"PEN": 3.352305,
"PHP": 51.899054,
"PKR": 156.32244,
"PLN": 3.930302,
"PYG": 6522.909091,
"RON": 4.285713,
"RUB": 65.941596,
"SAR": 3.75059,
"SEK": 9.657741,
"SGD": 1.382595,
"THB": 30.646268,
"TRY": 5.701489,
"TWD": 31.23947,
"UAH": 24.982101,
"UYU": 36.570846,
"VND": 23112.280702,
"ZAR": 14.803694
this is on my view :
<a class="dropdown-item w-r" *ngFor="let cur of currencies?.rates" (click)="onCurrency(cur)" >{{cur}}</a>
error :
Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays.
you can try to use keyvalue pipe:
<a class="dropdown-item w-r" *ngFor="let cur of currencies?.rates | keyvalue" (click)="onCurrency(cur)" ><br>{{cur.key}}:{{cur.value}}</a>