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Official badge for GitHub Actions

Does GitHub have an official badge for their new actions feature?

I came across this request on their official repo and there seems to be an official one:{github_id}/{repository}/workflows/{workflow_name}/badge.svg

as per this comment, but I am unable to get it to work. Is it actually working? When I use it, I get the output below:

Unrendered GitHub badge

Note that I have replaced {github_id} with my username, {repository} with my repo name and {workflow_name} with the corresponding workflow name (removing the curly braces). Does anyone else have this issue?

Edit: I am working on a private repo, in case it makes a difference.


  • As it turns out, badge update/rendering is a slow process. After adding the badge to my, I just started off with work in another branch. After about 10 minutes (at least in my case), the badge appeared but the pipeline status was shown as 'unknown'. It updated again after about 10 minutes and with the correct pipeline status ('passing' in my case).

    So, once you are done, just continue with your other stuff and it will update on its own, in sometime. Hope this helps someone!