I'm working with polymer and lit-element. In the render function I have a template string as follow:
render() {
this.todoItem = JSON.parse(this.todoItem);
return html`
${this.todoItem.item} <button @click="${this.onRemove}">Remove</button>
checked="${this.todoItem.done} ? 'true' : 'false'"
I know this won't work because based on several stackoverflow answers, any value that you put checked
equal to is going to mark it as checked.
If I do this:
<input type="checkbox" ${this.todoItem.done} ? 'checked' : ''" @click="${this.changeStatus}"/>
I get an error
TypeError: Failed to set the 'currentNode' property on 'TreeWalker': The provided value is not of type
After following the docs I found my answer: I had to use html
https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/guide/templates. The following codes work.
render() {
this.todoItem = JSON.parse(this.todoItem);
return html`
${this.todoItem.item} <button @click="${this.onRemove}">Remove</button>
? html`
<input type="checkbox" checked @click="${this.changeStatus}" />
: html`
<input type="checkbox" @click="${this.changeStatus}" />
render() {
this.todoItem = JSON.parse(this.todoItem);
return html`
${this.todoItem.item} <button @click="${this.onRemove}">Remove</button>
<input type="checkbox" ?checked="${this.todoItem.done}" @click="${this.changeStatus}" />
render() {
this.todoItem = JSON.parse(this.todoItem);
return html`
${this.todoItem.item} <button @click="${this.onRemove}">Remove</button>
<input type="checkbox" ?checked="${this.todoItem.done}" @click="${this.changeStatus}" />