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Create Ecto query with dynamic operators

I know how I can use dynamic fields and values into Ecto query, for example:

field = :age
value = 20
Ecto.Query.where(App.User, [x], field(x, ^field) < ^value)

But, it is possible to define the operator (in this example <) dynamically? and how?

I have tried it with fragment and interpolated string:

operator = ">"
Ecto.Query.where(App.User, [x], fragment("? #{operator} ?", field(x, ^field), ^value))

but it raises the exception: Ecto.Query.CompileError) to prevent SQL injection attacks, fragment(...) does not allow strings...


  • You can, with a bit of metaprogramming. supports custom macros.

    defmacrop custom_where(t, f, v, sign) do
      {sign, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
         {:field, [], [t, {:^, [], [f]}]},
         {:^, [], [v]}

    And use it like

    field = :age
    value = 20
    Ecto.Query.where(User, [x],
      custom_where(x, field, value, :<))
    #⇒ #Ecto.Query<from u0 in User, where: u0.age < ^20>

    The trick here is that we fool injecting an AST inplace, so it does not perform checks.