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element not updating value on html Polymer V3

I want to update the todoList in my PARENT COMPONENT after I have added a new item in my child using the AddItem() method. Nothing gets added the first time. EX. if I add "take test" doesn't get render, then if I add "take shower" doesn't get rendered but now "take test" does. Then if I add "take a leak" "take shower" gets rendered.


firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
    this.addEventListener('addItem', e => {
      this.todoList = e.detail.todoList;

  render() {
    return html`
      <p>Todo App</p>
      <add-item></add-item>//Child item that triggers the add
      <list-items todoList=${JSON.stringify(this.todoList)}></list-items>


AddItem() {
    if (this.todoItem.length > 0) {
      let storedLocalList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todo-list'));
      storedLocalList = storedLocalList === null ? [] : storedLocalList;
      const todoList = [
          id: this.uuidGenerator(),
          item: this.todoItem,
          done: false

      localStorage.setItem('todo-list', JSON.stringify(todoList));
        new CustomEvent('addItem', {
          bubbles: true,
          composed: true,
          detail: { todoList: storedLocalList }
      this.todoItem = '';

  render() {
    return html`
        <input .value=${this.todoItem} @keyup=${this.inputKeyup} />
        <button @click="${this.AddItem}">Add Item</button>


  • Found my error. I was passing to detail: { todoList : storedLocalList } which is the old array without the updated value.

     AddItem() {
            if (this.todoItem.length > 0) {
              let storedLocalList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todo-list'));
              storedLocalList = storedLocalList === null ? [] : storedLocalList;
              const todoList = [
                  id: this.uuidGenerator(),
                  item: this.todoItem,
                  done: false
              localStorage.setItem('todo-list', JSON.stringify(todoList));
                new CustomEvent('addItem', {
                  bubbles: true,
                  composed: true,
                  detail: { todoList: todoList }
              this.todoItem = '';