A table in postgresql where one of columns is uuid as BYTEA is being exported to tsv.
For example uuid was: 625c3430-34d0-43eb-b85d-e3bd1d9f82e1
and exported value is: b\\404\320C\353\270]\343\275\035\237\202\341
What is the algorithm behind converting uuid::text and for the reverse functionality also, from text to uuid. I have to read this tsv, decode uuid from its text representation and "do additional stuff" depending on decoded uuid.
Are there some libraries for this in Java or do I need to write my own decoder for it? If I have to write my own decoder any hints on algorithm for it are welcome.
Convert your initial uuid to byte array. Check every element of byte array and if the value is:
0 => "\000"
39 => "\047"
or '''' (single quote symbol)
92 => "\" or "\134" (backslash)
31 < value < 127 => character from value
any other is "\xxx" octal value.
And you have your "text representation" uuid.
To get uuid from "text representation" just go trough the steps in reverse.