I'm writing a library that will let you plug in external implementations, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to write types for these.
abstract class Animal {
public abstract makeSounds();
class Dog extends Animal {
public makeSounds() {
class Cat extends Animal {
public makeSounds() {
type BuiltinAnimals = 'cat' | 'dog';
interface AnimalLike {
[name: string]: new () => Animal;
default class ZooClient {
public mostFamousAnimal: Animal;
constructor(someAnimal: BuiltinAnimals | AnimalLike) {
if (typeof someAnimal === 'string') {
// if 'dog', load `Dog` and if 'cat', load `Cat`.
// this.mostFamousAnimal = new Cat() or new Dog();
} else {
// load external animal plugin
// this.mostFamousAnimal = new [someAnimal]();
public makeSounds() {
I want to expose a few built-in classes that can be readily used, or the user can bring their own class. How do I do this?
const zoo = new ZooClient('dog');
// or
const zoo = new ZooClient(new Dolphin()); // Or perhaps `new ZooClient(Dolphin)`?
I’m specifically looking at a neat way to be able to give nice options to users of ZooClient
- the type information should let them know they can use a string (BuiltinAnimal
) or a class that is their own implementation of Animal
As an aside, right now your Cat
and Dog
types are structurally identical, meaning that the compiler can't tell the difference between them. This isn't necessarily a problem, but it does lead to some surprising results (e.g., IntelliSense might report that a Dog
is of type Cat
). For example code I usually like to avoid such unintentionally equivalent types, so I'll do this:
class Dog extends Animal {
chaseCars() {}
public makeSounds() {
class Cat extends Animal {
chaseMice() {}
public makeSounds() {
Now a Cat
and a Dog
differ structurally (one can chaseMice()
and the other can chaseCars()
) as well as nominally (different names) and all is right with the world.
So, I'd recommend creating a keyed registry of built-in Animal
const builtInAnimals = {
cat: Cat,
dog: Dog
and an associated type:
type BuiltInAnimals = typeof builtInAnimals;
And then you can make your ZooClient
class work like this:
class ZooClient {
public mostFamousAnimal: Animal;
constructor(someAnimal: keyof BuiltInAnimals | (new () => Animal)) {
const animalConstructor =
typeof someAnimal === "string" ? builtInAnimals[someAnimal] : someAnimal;
this.mostFamousAnimal = new animalConstructor();
public makeSounds() {
So the input to the constructor is either keyof BuiltInAnimals
(namely "cat"
or "dog"
in this example) or a constructor which returns some Animal
. Then, the animalConstructor
local variable uses a typeof
type guard to distinguish what someAnimal
is, and in either case is set to something of type new() => Animal
. We then use that constructor as you'd expect.
Let's see how it works:
const dogZooClient = new ZooClient("dog");
dogZooClient.makeSounds(); // woof
class Dolphin extends Animal {
makeSounds() {
const dolphinZooClient = new ZooClient(Dolphin);
dolphinZooClient.makeSounds(); // 🐬🔊
So that's the intended use, and it works. Let's make sure it doesn't have unintended uses:
new ZooClient("badName"); // error!
// Argument of type '"badName"' is not assignable to
// parameter of type '"cat" | "dog" | (new () => Animal)'.
class NotAnAnimal {
makeSmells() {
new ZooClient(NotAnAnimal); // error!
// Property 'makeSounds' is missing in type 'NotAnAnimal'
// but required in type 'Animal'.
Those are correctly rejected.
Okay, hope that helps; good luck!