I want to make a regular expression on the string "{{c1::tiger}} is
a kind of {{c2::animal::something movable}}" to get the word "tiger" and "animal",and I have made this expression \{\{c\d+::((?P<value>.*?)(:{0,2})(.*?))\}\}
,also I want to use group('value')
to achieve this.The result word "tiger" is exactly what I need,but always get the wrong result "animal::something movable"(which I mean "animal"),could anyone help me to solve this problem?Thanks.
The pattern that you tried contains 4 capturing groups and for the current example data group 1 and group 3 are empty.
To get tiger
you could use a single capturing group with a negated character class:
If the closing }}
have to be present, you could use: