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Using lottie-react-web, Im getting the following console error: <svg> attribute viewBox: Expected number, "0 0 undefined undefined

I've created a component from the lottie-react-web package.

import React from 'react';
import Lottie from 'lottie-react-web'
import animation from '../../src/animations/anim.json'

const LottieAnim = () => (
    options = {{
      animationData: animation,
      loop: false,
      autoplay: true,
    width = "60px"
    height = "60px"

export default LottieAnim

This works and builds successfully. When the DOM loads it is generating the wrapper div with the attributes defined. However, the svg in the div does not have defined viewbox parameters, as well as undefined width and height, along with the containing vectors inside the svg.

enter image description here


  • Should be animationData: animationData.default
