I'm trying to convert an XMLGregorianCalendarObject to LocalDateTime and I'm getting unusual results. I have already tried the solutions in this post and this post.
I'm making a few assumptions here that I could be wrong about:
1) the xmlDate argument is UTC
2) the return value is PST
private LocalDateTime convertDate(XMLGregorianCalendar xmlDate) {
GregorianCalendar gc = xmlDate.toGregorianCalendar();
ZonedDateTime zdt = gc.toZonedDateTime();
LocalDateTime localDate = zdt.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles")).toLocalDateTime();
return localDate;
The output is exactly the same as the input:
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlDate: "2019-09-03T13:22:38.436-07:00"
LocalDateTime localDate: "2019-09-03T13:22:38"
Also, this does not work (same method, different syntax):
private LocalDateTime convertDate(XMLGregorianCalendar xmlDate) {
ZonedDateTime utcZoned = xmlDate.toGregorianCalendar().toZonedDateTime().withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles"));
LocalDateTime localDate = utcZoned.toLocalDateTime();
return localDate;
The result is the same as the first code snippet.
I think my issue is somewhere in the withZoneSameInstant() method. The strange thing is, when I feed a different timezone code into the parameter, conversion does occur. Try it with "Pacific/Auckland".
What am I doing wrong?
Your first assumption is wrong:
1) the xmlDate argument is UTC
The -07:00
at the end of 2019-09-03T13:22:38.436-07:00
is an offset from UTC. The offset agrees with America/Los_Angeles time zone (Pacific Daylight Time). Java recognizes this, so exactly when you convert to America/Los_Angeles, it doesn’t change the time. When you convert to Pacific/Auckland instead, it does.
I believe that your code is correct.