I have a DataGrid
with its ItemsSource
bound to a static variable of type ObservableCollecion<Music>
like this:
ItemsSource="{Binding AllSongs, Mode=OneWay}"
This variable, called AllSongs
, is declared in the same page as the DataGrid
However, DataGrid
is not showing the Data
in the AllSongs
. I have manually set this MusicLibraryDataGrid.ItemsSource = AllSongs;
in the constructor. Why is this happening?
Another question is that, after I set it manually, Why modifications on the AllSongs
like sorting do not reflect on the DataGrid
? Meaning that the DataGrid.ItemsSource
is not in sync with the AllSongs
. Is it possible to make them in sync?
A possible solution for my second question might be registering a CollectionChanged
event of AllSongs
to do MusicLibraryDataGrid.ItemsSource = AllSongs;
in it. Will this rebinding harm the performance?
As far as I know binding on static property is not allowed. What I would do is create a property on the class that reads from the static one.
It's been discussed here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/e0e426ba-4feb-4571-b80b-7ba8818079b6/uwpstatic-property-binding?forum=wpdevelop