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Override code-behind for a block in Magento

I am writing a module to extend the Core/Catalog/Product/View/Media.php class so I can expose new methods in my template. I followed a number of guides online, including Alan Storms excellent series, but have had little success. ( )

I posted my code on Github:

I am not getting any errors in the logs, it just isn't loading my class. Very perplexed.

One thought I had was that I may only be able to rewrite classes that are explicitly defined. I know the Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Media class is never defined in a config file, though I assume it is referenced by the layout xml file catalog.xml

<block type="catalog/product_view_media" name="" as="media" template="catalog/product/view/media.phtml"/>


  • Your config.xml is slightly off. Give the following a try.


    Your <blocks> node needs to be enclosed in a <global> node.