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Artifactory ignores version of a library from remote (maven central)?

I have following Artifactory (6.12.1) settings

Remote repositories:

Virtual repositories

  • libs-release: libs-release-local, central, repository.spring.milestone, jcenter, jboss, rabbit-milestone
  • libs-snapshot: libs-snapshot-local, repository.spring.snapshot, jvnet-nexus-staging, sonatype-oss-snapshots

I'm trying to build spring-boot locally and I've forced all remote repositories from my system to go through our Artifactory. So I've added to my .m2/settings.xml following section:


      <snapshots />

      <snapshots />


      <snapshots />

      <snapshots />


I've verified that everything works and our projects install dependencies correctly. This should be all ok.

Now the spring-boot project has repository definitions in root pom.xml, but my settings override it, which means maven is trying to download from our Artifactory (as intended).

But it get's stuck on this dependency

[INFO] -------------< org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-docs >--------------
[INFO] Building Spring Boot Docs 2.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT                   [80/88]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (737 B at 12 kB/s)
Downloading from central:
Downloading from snapshots:
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (2.6 kB at 20 kB/s)
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (4.3 kB at 73 kB/s)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Spring Boot Build 2.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Spring Boot Docs ................................... FAILURE [  0.486 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  01:32 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-31T17:55:28+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project spring-boot-docs: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-docs:jar:2.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at org.apache.activemq:activemq-jms-pool:jar:5.15.9 -> org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec:jar:1.0.1: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec:jar:1.0.1: Could not find artifact org.apache.geronimo.specs:specs:pom:1.1 in central ( -> [Help 1]

When I look at maven central, the version is there

maven central

When I look at central in Artifactory the org.apache.geronimo.specs:specs artifact is also there

central repo

But it's never downloaded and cached, there is only 1.4

centra-cache repo

I've tried purging the whole org.apache.geronimo tree from Artifactory caches and from my local maven cache, but it still only sees the 1.4 version.

Is there some other cache that I should try to refresh? Or is it an Artifactory bug? Thanks


  • Thanks to @DrorBereznitsky, I was able to figure out the cause of the problem

    Using the helpful ?trace as

    curl -v -u 'user:password' ''

    I was able to obtain the following logs

    Request ID: 9f425b1c
    Repo Path ID: libs-release:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    Method Name: GET
    Time: 2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z Received request
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z Retrieving info from virtual repository 'libs-release' type Maven
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z Consulting the virtual repo download strategy
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.877Z Trying to retrieve resource info from the local storage
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Unable to find resource in libs-release:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Intercepting cached virtual resource with 'MavenMetadataInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Intercepting cached virtual resource with 'PomInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Searching for info in aggregated repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Preparing list of aggregated repositories to search in
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending the nested virtual repository 'libs-release'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective local repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective local cache repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective remote repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective remote repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective remote repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective remote repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Appending collective remote repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Intercepting info request with 'MavenMetadataInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Intercepting info request with 'PomInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Processing request as a release resource
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Searching for the resource within libs-release-local
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Unable to find resource in libs-release-local:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.879Z Searching for the resource within central-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.880Z Unable to find resource in central-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.880Z Searching for the resource within repository.spring.milestone-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.881Z Unable to find resource in repository.spring.milestone-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.881Z Searching for the resource within jcenter-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.881Z Unable to find resource in jcenter-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.881Z Searching for the resource within jboss-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.882Z Unable to find resource in jboss-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.882Z Searching for the resource within rabbit-milestone-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.882Z Unable to find resource in rabbit-milestone-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.882Z Searching for the resource within central
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.883Z Unable to find resource in central-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.883Z Executing any AltRemotePath user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.883Z Appending matrix params to remote request URL
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.883Z Using remote request URL -
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.883Z Executing HEAD request to
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.906Z Found remote resource with last modified time - Wed Jun 28 09:19:33 UTC 2006
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.906Z Found remote resource with ETag - "9bef270e593bf6dcc37a4e3014b5f94a"
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.906Z Found remote resource with content length - 13452
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Found remote resource with checksums - [ChecksumInfo{type=SHA-1, original='5274e75bb357203fbc61c529b7bfc174357dbff8', actual='null'}, ChecksumInfo{type=MD5, original='9bef270e593bf6dcc37a4e3014b5f94a', actual='null'}]
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Returning found remote resource info
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Resource was found in central
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Resource is an exact match - returning
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Returning resource as found in the aggregated repositories
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Intercepting found resource with 'MavenMetadataInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Intercepting found resource with 'PomInterceptor'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z The requested resource isn't pre-resolved
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Target repository isn't virtual - verifying that downloading is allowed
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Creating a resource handle from 'central'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Target repository is configured to retain artifacts locally - resource will be stored and the streamed to the user
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.913Z Remote repository is online
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.914Z Unable to find resource in central-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.914Z Found expired cached resource but remote is newer = false. Cached resource: 0, Remote resource: 1151486373000
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.914Z Force expiration on the cached resource = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.914Z Resource isn't cached and isn't expired = true
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.914Z Asserting valid deployment path
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.915Z Creating a resource handle from 'central-cache:org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.915Z Unable to find the resource - throwing exception
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Unable to find cached resource stream handle, continuing with actual remote download.
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Found no cached resource - starting download
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Downloading and saving
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Eager source JAR fetching enabled = true
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Eager JAR fetching enabled = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Valid Maven artifact info = true
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Artifact has classifier = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Eager JAR and source JAR fetching is not attempted
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Remote property synchronization enabled = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Received remote checksums headers - [ChecksumInfo{type=SHA-1, original='5274e75bb357203fbc61c529b7bfc174357dbff8', actual='null'}, ChecksumInfo{type=MD5, original='9bef270e593bf6dcc37a4e3014b5f94a', actual='null'}]
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Executing any AltRemoteContent user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Received no alternative content handle from a user plugin
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Received no alternative content, received remote checksums headers and searching for existing resources on download is enabled
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Searching for existing resource with SHA-1 '5274e75bb357203fbc61c529b7bfc174357dbff8'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Received no alternative content or existing resource - downloading resource
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Appending matrix params to remote request URL
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Using remote request URL -
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Executing any BeforeRemoteDownload user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.916Z Executing GET request to
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.919Z Downloading content
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.919Z Saving resource to central-cache
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.975Z Failed to download: Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom': expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.975Z Executing any AfterRemoteDownload user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.975Z Executed all AfterRemoteDownload user plugins
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.975Z Error occurred while downloading artifact: Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom': expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Requested resource is found = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Request is HEAD = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Request is for a checksum = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Target repository is not remote or doesn't store locally = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Requested resource was not modified = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Responding with unfound resource
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Setting default response status to '404' reason to 'Resource not found'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Response is an instance of UnfoundRepoResourceReason
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Configured to hide un-authorized resources = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Original response status is auth related = false
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Using original response status of '404' and message 'Failed to transform pom file: Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom': expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Sending error with status 404 and message 'Failed to transform pom file: Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom': expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .'
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Executing any AfterDownloadErrorAction user plugins that may exist
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Response code wasn't modified by the user plugins
    2019-09-05T15:41:07.976Z Sending response with the status '404' and the message 'Failed to transform pom file: Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom': expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .'

    with the interesting part being

    Error occurred while downloading artifact:
    Failed to read POM for 'org/apache/geronimo/specs/specs/1.1/specs-1.1.pom':
    expected START_TAG or END_TAG not TEXT (position: TEXT seen ...</developers>\n    `\n    <p... @91:7) .

    => They've simply published an invalid POM and that's why Artifactory is unable to download the dependency