I just started with java and while I was doing a exercise (about finding the next Friday 13th after a given date) when I got stuck with the following problem: When the input day (of the given date) is equal or bigger than 13, the program goes in a infinite loop. Any suggestions?
public class NextFriday13 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int d = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int m = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
//aqui colocaremos o total de dias em cada mes
int[] DAYS = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
//fixaremos nosso ponto de referencia, 1/1/1600 foi um sabado.
int dd = 1;
int mm = 1;
int yy = 1600;
int day = 0;
//descobriremos a proxima sexta-feira 13
while (dd <= d || mm <= m || yy <= y || day != 6 || dd != 13){
day %= 7;
boolean leapYear;
if (yy % 400 == 0) leapYear = true;
else if (yy % 100 == 0) leapYear = false;
else leapYear = yy % 4 == 0;
if (dd + 1 <= DAYS[mm] || (dd == 28 && leapYear))
if (mm < 12) {
dd = 1;
else {
dd = 1;
mm = 1;
System.out.println("Next Friday 13th is " + dd + "/" + mm + "/"+ yy);
Here are the following input-output i got: input:1 1 2000 output:Next Friday 13th is 13/4/2001
input:6 2 2011 output:Next Friday 13th is 13/4/2012
input:13 2 2003 output:(I had to close the program because it didnt end)
input:22 4 1998 output:(same thing as above)
You might want to adjust the condition for the while-loop. You want to continue adding a day under following circumstances:
day != 6
)dd != 13
)The last two conditions are implemented the right way, but your check, if the date is in the "future", does not work correctly. You might try this:
yy < y || (yy == y && mm < m) || (yy == y && mm == m && dd <= d)
Thus the total condition you need is
yy < y || (yy == y && mm < m) || (yy == y && mm == m && dd <= d) || day != 6 || dd != 13
EDIT to explain why you run into an endless loop with d >= 13:
Your condition has dd <= d
and dd != 13
. Thus dd
needs to be equal to 13 and bigger than (at least) 13 (the provided d
) for the condition to evaluate to false. This obviously will never be the case, thus you get an endless loop.