I need to fetch my current route (using the Router) in a component (my Nav component) which is located in the App Component but as it's already loaded, it's not refreshing on a click and my function in the nav component isn't returning any new URL. How can I manage to have the new URL with my nav component ?
Here is my app component :
<div class="container">
Here is my nav component (.ts) :
ngOnInit() {
if(this.router.url == "/") {
this.color = "large";
this.logoPath = "assets/logos/w-logo-full.png";
} else {
this.color = "small";
this.logoPath = "assets/logos/c-logo-full.png";
It was working when my app-nav was in every component but it's not working anylonger since I've moved it..
you can use router service events observable
constructor( public router: Router,) {
public ngOnInit(): void {
this.router.events.subscribe(e => {
if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) {
// ...
NavigationEnd An event triggered when a navigation ends successfully.