I'm new MySQL. When I was executing the following query I'm getting operand should contain 1 column(s) error.
select a.status, a.order_number, a.net_order_amt, a.retailer_id, a.order_date
from (select status, order_number, net_order_amt, retailer_id,
(order_date/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') as order_date
from Order
where FROM_UNIXTIME(order_date/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') between '2019-08-31' and '2019-08-31'
) as a
INNER JOIN Retailer AS r on a.retailer_id = r.retailer_id;
I'm a novice programmer in MySql and I'm unable to solve the error. Can someone help me to resolve the issue.
You're not using the from_unixtime
funtion in the select that causes this
select a.status, a.order_number, a.net_order_amt, a.retailer_id, a.order_date
from (select status, order_number, net_order_amt, retailer_id,
FROM_UNIXTIME(order_date/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') as order_date
from Order
where FROM_UNIXTIME(order_date/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') between '2019-08-31' and '2019-08-31'
) as a
INNER JOIN Retailer AS r on a.retailer_id = r.retailer_id;
Use the function that will solve the error.