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How to return specific object from string during

My goal is to create a Rest Controller that will return an object (let's call it a Car). This Rest Controller is calling an other Rest API (using a header needed to set a token and be authorized to do the call) to get different data from different endpoint in order to mix them. Like if you ask to Tesla about 2 different car models to create a new crazy Car!

The problem is that this other API is giving me an object which looks like {"Name":"automobile2.0","MotorSize":"v12","Color":"Grey","Weight":"2000kg","Year":"2012"} (actually I receive 28 different fields of different kinds, int, string, array of string, nested json, ... But I only want to keep 3 of them). And I cannot find a way to convert it to my Car object using RestTemplate and Spring Framework.

Also, if I can find a similar way to receive a List<Car> it will be perfect.

I already tried to use getForObject or getForEntity, unfortunately as I need a header I can't use it.

I was previously doing it by receiving a String and then deserialize it with Genson and a converter, but it didn't not seems to be the best solution.

So now here is my code, first of all, the Car class I want :

public class Car {
  private String carName;
  private String motorSize;
  private String color;

And the method I use to do the Rest API call:

public Car getCar() {
  UriComponents uriComponents = 
  HttpHeaders headers = setHeaders(true);  //a private method which sets the header
  HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers); //I don't need a body but I do need a header
  ResponseEntity<Car> response =, HttpMethod.GET, request, new ParameterizedTypeReference<Car>() {});
  return response.getBody();

I know my call is working because if I do:

ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, request, String.class);

to replace the response, I get the {"CarName":"automobile2.0","MotorSize":"v12","Color":"Grey"} as response.getBody(), It is what I want but as a String, so wrong format.

What I was expecting to receive from getCar() was a car like:

   "carName": "automobile2.0",
   "motorSize": "v12",
   "color": " "grey",

Which is next returned by my controller like ResponseEntity<Car>(myCar, HttpStatus.OK)

BUT when I try my controller with Postman, I only receive:

   "carName": null,
   "motorSize": null,
   "color": " null,

I anyone know how to get my Car from the it will be a great pleasure for me!

Thank you all


  • Just found the problem... As we was previously using Genson, the JsonProperty annotations was still the one from Genson... So just replace the import for Jackson solved it...