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Delete link instead of button laravel

I have a delete link that links to destroy button

<i class="icon-trash"></i>
<a style="color:black" href="route{{ action('TasksController@destroy', ['id' => $task->id ,'method'=>'DELETE'] ) }}">

This is the destroy function

public function destroy($id)
    //delete task
    $task = Task::find($id);

    return redirect('/home')->with('success', 'Task deleted successfully');

but the link is not working when clicked


  • The Blade syntax is incorrect, change it to:

    <i class="icon-trash"></i>
    <a style="color:black" href="{{ route('tasks.destroy', ['id' => $task->id]) }}">

    Which requires a route like this:

    Route::get('/tasks/delete/{id}', 'TasksController@destroy')

    And a controller method like this:

    public function destroy($id)
      // delete task
      return redirect('/home')->with('success','Task deleted successfully');


    Having a get method to delete is a security vulnerability as anyone can trick other users into deleting tasks just by providing a link

    Change it to a post method


    Here are some suggestions to improve your code

    Change your HTML to perform a post request:

    <i class="icon-trash"></i>
    <a style="color:black" 
        href="{{ route('tasks.destroy', ['task' => $task]) }}"
        document.getElementById('delete-form-{{ $task->id }}').submit();">
    <form id="delete-form-{{ $task->id }}" action="{{ route('tasks.destroy', ['task' => $task]) }}"
         method="POST" style="display: none;">

    And the route to DELETE with route model binding:

    Route::delete('/tasks/delete/{task}', 'TasksController@destroy')

    You can add dependency injection to the controller method like this:

    public function destroy(Task $task)
      // delete task
      return redirect('/home')->with('success','Task deleted successfully');