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Laravel Intervention Image GD library extension

First of all, I am sorry if my question may be too vague. So, I will try to clarify my question as much as possible.

I am currently developing a Laravel application, and I am trying to use Intervention Image Facade. When I tried to use it to test an upload, I got the following error:-

NotSupportedException in Driver.php line 16: GD Library extension not available with this PHP installation.

So, as I would try to do, I installed the GD library using sudo apt-get install libgd3 and the php gd driver using sudo apt-get php5.6-gd. However, this did not work, and the same error keeps popping up in laravel. What have I clearly missed, and what should I follow next?

Edit 1. I used the following command to see if php actually supports gd driver : - php -i | grep -i --color gd

The following result came: -

GD Support => enabled
GD headers Version => 2.2.3
GD library Version => 2.2.3
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning => 0 => 0
GDMSESSION => ubuntu

Hope this helps even more.

EDIT 2 Thanks to all who answered. I found my solution in Mayank Pandey's answer.


  • This is because the GD Library is missing on your server.

    You must enable the library GD2.

    Find your (proper) php.ini file, and then find the line:

    ;extension=php_gd2.dll, remove the semicolon in the front. ; means the line is commented, so remove the comment)

    The line should look like this:


    Then restart apache and you are ready to go.