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How to plot several layers using GeoPandas

I am trying to use geopandas to plot some info over a map. The first thing that I do is to upload a shape file of New York City:

nyc_boroughBoundaries = geopandas.read_file ("nybb_19b2")

This is returning a geodataframe:

type (nyc_boroughBoundaries)


And has a geometry column:


(POLYGON ((1012821.805786133 229228.2645874023...
(POLYGON ((970217.0223999023 145643.3322143555...
(POLYGON ((1029606.076599121 156073.8142089844...

I am repeating the same process to load some information about new constructions in NYC


POINT (40.62722 -73.969634)
POINT (40.764575 -73.955421)
POINT (40.525584 -74.166414)
POINT (40.742845 -73.89083100000001)
POINT (40.679859 -73.93992

Then I am trying to plot both geodataframes in one single map doing the following:

fig, ax = plt.subplots (figsize = (15,15))
geo_df_NB_2018.plot(ax = ax, alpha = 0.7, color = "pink")
nyc_boroughBoundaries.plot(ax = ax)

However, they are being displayed in different parts of the figure.

enter image description here



  • You have different projections. They need to be the same to be plotted together. Look at your coordinates, they are clearly different. Moreover, as @steven pointed out, you have switched latitude and longitude. Fix that first and then reproject:

    # convert CRS to the same as nyc_boroughBoundaries has
    geo_df_NB_2018 = geo_df_NB_2018.to_crs(
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15))
    geo_df_NB_2018.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.7, color="pink")