I have a problem with DBContext
while creating httpmodule that uses Entity Framework
I'd like to inject DBContext
into the httpmodule
like injecting dependency in constructor
Is there any solution for me?
in MyHTTPModule
public class MyHTTPModule: IHttpModule { ... public void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication Application = (HttpApplication)sender; HttpContext Context = Application.Context; string filepath= Context.Request.FilePath; MyDBContext db = new MyDBContext(); var file = db.file.FirstOrDefault(r => r.filename == filepath); ... } }
What I want is injecting dbcontext into httpmodule like:
public class MyHTTPModule: IHttpModule { private MyDBContext db; public MyHTTPModule(MyDBContext dbcontext) { db = dbcontext; } ... public void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication Application = (HttpApplication)sender; HttpContext Context = Application.Context; string filepath= Context.Request.FilePath; var file = db.file.FirstOrDefault(r => r.filename == filepath); ... } }
I found simple solution for this problem using Simple Injector.
Installed 3 NuGet packages. (Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure, SimpleInjector, SimpleInjector.Integration.Web)
and created interface for MyDBContext
in Global.asax.cs
private static Container container;
public static Container Container
get { return container ?? (container = RegisterAndVerifyContainer()); }
private static Container RegisterAndVerifyContainer()
var container = new Container();
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new WebRequestLifestyle();
container.Register<IDBContext, MyDBContext>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
return container;
in MyDBContext
public partial class MyDBContext: DbContext, IDBContext
public MyDBContext() : base("name=MyDBContext")
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();
public virtual DbSet<file> file{ get; set; }
public interface IDBContext : IDisposable
DbSet<file> file { get; set; }
in MyHTTPModule
private IDBContext DBContext;
public MyHTTPModule()
DBContext = Global.Container.GetInstance<IDBContext>();