I am trying to use pm2 to monitor my meteor app, intending to resolve the issue of cpu 100% usage.
I refereed to PM2 + Meteor Environment Setup, but the result looked like a failure.
My idea is that the meteor process was not initiated at all. Any ideas are welcome.
By the way, I've tried pm2-meteor, but probably because it is not maintained, it now cannot run successfully.
My code structure is listed as such,
+- cloud
+- package.json
+- client
+- server
+- pm2.json
+- private
+- public
+- server
In the normal mode, I run the web app by get to cloud folder and the 'meteor'instruction.
I found that the cause of my issue is in Nodejs always installing 4.2.6
So after update the nodejs on my machine, I need to make a decision to choose a way to run pm2
1. pm2-meteor in https://github.com/andruschka/pm2-meteor
2. run mongodb and it listens to
+ meteor build the app to be .tar.gz
+ pm2 run meteor app
I use 2. so the steps are,
1. install mongodb, pm2, nodejs(nodejs installation with nvm please)
2. In order to create a mongodb service
- launch mongod by
mongod -dbpath=$(some_accessible_path) -logpath=$(some_accessible_path) --fork --replSet meteor
3. run mongo and get to mongo shell and key in commands bellow
a. var config = {_id:"meteor",members:[{_id:0,host:""}]}
b. rs.initiate(config)
if the return value is {"ok":1}, mongodb service is ready.
4. pack meteor app
a. mkdir ~/cloud_build
b. get to the source code folder and use the command
meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 ~/cloud_build
c. cd ~/cloud_build
d. tar xvf some.tar.gz
e. you will get a bundle folder
f. cd that_bundle_folder/program/server && npm install
5. run pm2
a. create a file of pm2.json in the bundle folder
b. pm2 start pm2.json
the pm2.json looks like something bellow
"apps": [{
"name": "appName",
"cwd": "/yourhome/cloud_build/bundle",
"script": "main.js",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production",
"WORKER_ID": "0",
"PORT": "3000",
"ROOT_URL": "http://yourweburl",
"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/meteor",
"MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/local",
Then the webapp can be accessed in http://yourweburl:3000