Elixir is powered by Erlang OTP, which uses Mix as a build tool for creating and running applications.
I am now learning elixir as a beginner
I can create a mix application from command line by specifying mix new sample and I write some code in this to learn the basics of elixir and mix.
exs and ex file could be run by using the command mix run sample.exs
I am trying to write a code to get a specific type of number ,say prime numbers between a particular range (100000,20000)
I want to give the two numbers (100000,200000) as arguments to the mix run command like mix run sample.exs 100000,200000 and get the result in the given range.
Note - I dont want to build and executable using escript and need to use only the mix run command and also not mix run -e
How to get the args as input values in the exs file ?
Thanks a lot
While System.argv/0
somewhat works in trivial cases, we usually use OptionParser
for more or less sophisticated options processing.
["--start", "0", "--end", "42"]
|> OptionParser.parse(
strict: [start: :integer, end: :integer]
|> IO.inspect()
#⇒ {[start: 0, end: 42], [], []}
To use these values:
{args, _, _} =
["--start", "0", "--end", "42"],
strict: [start: :integer, end: :integer]
Enum.each(args[:start]..args[:end], &IO.inspect/1)