I have this /resource/lang/fr.json file to translate the "translatable" words. All is OK but that:
@lang (
"If you're having trouble clicking": actionText \ "button, copy and paste
the URL below \ n".
'in your web browser: [: actionURL] (: actionURL)',
'actionText' => $ actionText,
'actionURL' => $ actionUrl
I don't know how to translate!
PATH of this file: vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Notifications/resources/views/email.blade.php LINE 52
Solution with french translation
ADD IN /resource/lang/fr.json
"If you’re having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "Si vous avez des problèmes en cliquant sur le bouton \":actionText\", faites un copié/collé de l'url ci-dessous dans votre navigateur :\n",