I wanted to see how many unique link that a user has posted for every user. Here is what I have come up so far
s.aggs.bucket('user_term', A('terms', field='user__id')).metric('url_count', A('value_count', field='link'))
However, I have yet found a way to iterate through that result. Is there a way for this?
This will not give you a unique count, just a number of docs with a value for that field, you want to use a cardinality
s.aggs.bucket('users', 'terms', field='user.id').metric('url_count', 'cardinality', field='link')
r = s.execute()
for user in r.aggregations.users.buckets:
print(f'User {user.key} posted {user.url_count.value} links')
Hope this helps