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How to connect to a phoneix framework app locally by telnet?

I would like to use telnet to test my phoenix app, but it shows Connection closed by foreign host. very quickly and telnet exits.

$ telnet 4000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

The phoenix app is a very simple one without any extra configuration. How can I connect to it with telnet?


  • Phoenix uses Cowboy as underlying webserver. It has different timeout options, but the one we need is request_timeout.

    It defaults to 5_000 (in milliseconds) and can be changed inside configuration like this:

    config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
      http: [
        port: ...,
        protocol_options: [
          request_timeout: 60000 # minute here - for example

    Now, you have a minute to type your:

    GET /

    inside telnet CLI