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Delete chromedriver from Ubuntu

I want to update the version of chromedriver that I installed following this instruction

To do this, I want to delete the current version. I tried to do this by finding the desired folders with the

whereis chromedriver

command. And deleting the files from there using rm. But

chromedriver -v

still gives the value of the old version. What is another way to completely remove the current chromedriver? Also i tried just update following this topic How to update Chromedriver on Ubuntu? But chromedriver -v still return old version


  • If you're positive you've already removed it using:

    sudo rm -f /usr/bin/chromedriver

    And you say that chromedriver -v is still printing output, then try running which chromedriver again, and rming the file until it returns nothing.

    You might need to delete files at:

    sudo rm -f /usr/bin/chromedriver
    sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
    sudo rm -f /usr/local/share/chromedriver

    If you want to go on a rampage and delete every instance of it, even those that are not on your path, you can try finding all instances of it using:

    locate chromedriver

    or (may take a long time)

    find / -name "chromedriver"

    and remove those.

    Re-Installing Chromedriver

    To re-install chromedriver see: How to update Chromedriver on Ubuntu?