I am trying to get number of followers of a page programmatically either of exact number (eg 521356) or (521K) would do.
I have tried download data to download the entire page but I couldn't seem to find number of followers
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
byte[] raw = wc.DownloadData("https://www.instagram.com/gallery.delband/");
string webData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw);
textBox1.Text = webData;
I would like to be able to get number of followers but I can't find the data using web browser method.
The problem is, that you cannot get the instagram webpage like you see it in the browser without executing JavaScript. And System.Net.WebClient
does not execute js.
But if you analyse the html source of the page, you'll see that the followers count is included within a <meta>
tag with name="description"
<meta content="88.5k Followers, 1,412 Following, 785 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from گالری نقره عیار ۹۲۵ ترکیه (@gallery.delband)" name="description" />
To grab this information from the source, use a regex:
var pattern = @"<meta content=\""([0-9k KMm\.,]+) Followers, .*\"" name=\""description\"" \/>";
var match = Regex.Match(webData, pattern);
var followers = match.Groups[1];
The pattern means: Find a string, that starts with <meta content="
, followed by a dynamic string of the characters 0-9, k, K, M, m, ',', '.' or ' ' (the actual followers count) followed by the text " Followers", then any text, but ending with name="description" />
. Because we parenthesized the dynamic part, the regex system is giving us this dynamic value as a group result.