I have 3 classes one EyMain that is my main class where I read a "n" value > 100 that creates the number of my object arrays.Then I call writeUSB() method where I fill the object array.
public class EyMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n;
do {
System.out.println("Give an integer value > 100 : ");
n = scannerUserInput.getInteger();
} while (n < 101);
ekpaideytikoYliko usb[] = new ekpaideytikoYliko[n];
My other class is eYMethods where I have my 2 static methods writeUSB that I want to return the pointer of the last element that have stored in my array because I want to check if my memorySpace > 8gb I want to remove it from the array and updating the last element of the array and showDocs that I want to print only the elements from the object array that the user has typed and print only the file extension with .doc or .docx .
package eymain;
public class eYMethods {
static double writeUSB(ekpaideytikoYliko usb[]) {
for(int i = 0; i < usb.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Give fileName : ");
System.out.println("Give minutes : ");
System.out.println("Give memorySpace");
return 0;
static void showDocs(ekpaideytikoYliko usb[]) {
for(int i =0; i < usb.length; i++) {
System.out.println("fileName : " + usb[i].getFileName());
System.out.println("minutes : " + usb[i].getMinutes());
System.out.println("memorySpace : " + usb[i].getMemorySpace());
And last class is my ekapideytikoYliko that I have my private variables, get and set, my constructor and a String method getFileType that I want to take from the fileName the extension from it. Example(.doc, .docx, .mp4).
package eymain;
public class ekpaideytikoYliko {
private String fileName;
private double minutes;
private double memorySpace;
ekpaideytikoYliko(String fileName, double minutes, double memorySpace) {
this.fileName = fileName;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.memorySpace = memorySpace;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
public double getMinutes() {
return minutes;
public void setMinutes(double minutes) {
this.minutes = minutes;
public double getMemorySpace() {
return memorySpace;
public void setMemorySpace(double memorySpace) {
this.memorySpace = memorySpace;
String getfileType(ekpaideytikoYliko usb[]) {
int name = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (name == -1) {
return "";
return fileName.substring(name);
And my scannerUserInput file :
package eymain;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class scannerUserInput {
static int getInteger(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
int i = ob.nextInt();
return i;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static byte getByte(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
byte b = ob.nextByte();
return b;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static short getShort(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
short s = ob.nextShort();
return s;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static long getLongInteger(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
long l = ob.nextLong();
return l;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static float getFloat(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
float f = ob.nextFloat();
return f;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static double getDouble(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
double d = ob.nextDouble();
return d;
catch(Exception e){
return -1;
static String getString(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
String s = ob.nextLine();
return s;
catch(Exception e){
return "";
static char getChar(){
Scanner ob = new Scanner(System.in);
char ch = ob.next().charAt(0);
return ch;
catch(Exception e){
return ' ';
When I type inside the writeUSB method the data from the scanner I get an error in my first type.
In java when you create an array of an object in your case it is:
ekpaideytikoYliko usb[] = new ekpaideytikoYliko[n];
Java Simply does this
// Lets say n = 5 for easier demonstration
{null, null, null, null, null}
Source: Initial Values of Variables
For all reference types (§4.3), the default value is null.
Now when in eYMethods
when you try do call a method it just return nullpointer because that element is null. To fix that you need to create an object and store that object in array. Something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < usb.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Give fileName : ");
String fileName = scannerUserInput.getString();
System.out.println("Give minutes : ");
double minutes = scannerUserInput.getDouble();
System.out.println("Give memorySpace");
double memorySpace = scannerUserInput.getDouble();
ekpaideytikoYliko tempEkpaideytikoYliko = new ekpaideytikoYliko(fileName, minutes, memorySpace);
usb[i] = tempEkpaideytikoYliko;
Now java will create an Object of Class ekpaideytikoYliko
and store it in array.