I want to rewrite following xml sample using java DSL
xml config:
<int:channel id="findUserServiceChannel"/>
<int:channel id="findUserByUsernameServiceChannel"/>
<!-- See also:
https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/MessagingGateway.html -->
<int:gateway id="userGateway" default-request-timeout="5000"
<int:method name="findUser" request-channel="findUserEnricherChannel"/>
<int:method name="findUserByUsername" request-channel="findUserByUsernameEnricherChannel"/>
<int:method name="findUserWithUsernameInMap" request-channel="findUserWithMapEnricherChannel"/>
<int:enricher id="findUserEnricher"
<int:property name="email" expression="payload.email"/>
<int:property name="password" expression="payload.password"/>
<int:enricher id="findUserByUsernameEnricher"
<int:property name="email" expression="payload.email"/>
<int:property name="password" expression="payload.password"/>
<int:enricher id="findUserWithMapEnricher"
<int:property name="user" expression="payload"/>
<int:service-activator id="findUserServiceActivator"
ref="systemService" method="findUser"
<int:service-activator id="findUserByUsernameServiceActivator"
ref="systemService" method="findUserByUsername"
<bean id="systemService"
For now I have following:
public class Config {
public SystemService systemService() {
return new SystemService();
public IntegrationFlow findUserEnricherFlow(SystemService systemService) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("findUserEnricherChannel")
.<User>handle((p, h) -> systemService.findUser(p))
public IntegrationFlow findUserByUsernameEnricherFlow(SystemService systemService) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("findUserByUsernameEnricherChannel")
.<User>handle((p, h) -> systemService.findUserByUsername(p.getUsername()))
public IntegrationFlow findUserWithUsernameInMapFlow(SystemService systemService) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("findUserWithMapEnricherChannel")
.<Map<String, Object>>handle((p, h) -> {
User user = systemService.findUserByUsername((String) p.get("username"));
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("username", user.getUsername());
map.put("email", user.getEmail());
map.put("password", user.getPassword());
return map;
service interface:
public interface UserService {
* Retrieves a user based on the provided user. User object is routed to the
* "findUserEnricherChannel" channel.
@Gateway(requestChannel = "findUserEnricherChannel")
User findUser(User user);
* Retrieves a user based on the provided user. User object is routed to the
* "findUserByUsernameEnricherChannel" channel.
@Gateway(requestChannel = "findUserByUsernameEnricherChannel")
User findUserByUsername(User user);
* Retrieves a user based on the provided username that is provided as a Map
* entry using the mapkey 'username'. Map object is routed to the
* "findUserWithMapChannel" channel.
@Gateway(requestChannel = "findUserWithMapEnricherChannel")
Map<String, Object> findUserWithUsernameInMap(Map<String, Object> userdata);
and target service:
public class SystemService {
public User findUser(User user) {
public User findUserByUsername(String username) {
main method:
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class).run(args);
UserService userService = ctx.getBean(UserService.class);
User user = new User("some_name", null, null);
System.out.println("Main:" + userService.findUser(user));
System.out.println("Main:" + userService.findUserByUsername(user));
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("username", "vasya");
System.out.println("Main:" + userService.findUserWithUsernameInMap(map));
2019-08-30 14:09:29.956 INFO 12392 --- [ main] enricher.MyApplication : Started MyApplication in 2.614 seconds (JVM running for 3.826)
2019-08-30 14:09:29.966 INFO 12392 --- [ main] enricher.SystemService : Calling method 'findUser' with parameter User{username='some_name', password='null', email='null'}
Main:User{username='some_name', password='secret', email='some_name@springintegration.org'}
2019-08-30 14:09:29.967 INFO 12392 --- [ main] enricher.SystemService : Calling method 'findUserByUsername' with parameter: some_name
Main:User{username='some_name', password='secret', email='some_name@springintegration.org'}
2019-08-30 14:09:29.967 INFO 12392 --- [ main] enricher.SystemService : Calling method 'findUserByUsername' with parameter: vasya
Main:{password=secret, email=vasya@springintegration.org, username=vasya}
As you can see everything is working properly but I do transformations inside the configuration. I am not sure if I have to do it because xml configuration dooesn't have such transformations and everything somehow works using internal magic. Is it correct way or should I use some internal DSL magic for transformations?
I suppose that Config
class can be simplified somehow. I mean findUserByUsernameEnricherFlow
I realized that I don't really understand how the XML config works:
Let's consider method Userservice#findUserWithUsernameInMap
It has following interface:
Map<String, Object> findUserWithUsernameInMap(Map<String, Object> userdata);
And it eventually invokes findUserByUsername
method of SystemService
public User findUserByUsername(String username)
Because client code work with Userservice
there are 2 transformations inside:
on way TO (before SystemService#findUserByUsername
invocation) because Userservice#findUserWithUsernameInMap
accept Map<String, Object>
but SystemService#findUserByUsername
accepts String
On way BACK(afterSystemService#findUserByUsername
invocation) because SystemService#findUserByUsername
returns User but Userservice#findUserWithUsernameInMap
returns Map<String, Object>
Where exactly these transformations are declared in the xml configuration?
I have a suggestion that request-payload-expression is ised to make TO tranformation. Looks like it can work with Map using the same manner as with Object. But BACK transformation is not clear at all. Sure configiration has
<int:property name="user" expression="payload"/>
But I have no idea what does it mean.
The Java DSL equivalent of the <int:enricher>
is .enrich()
. so, your findUserEnricherFlow
should be like this:
public IntegrationFlow findUserEnricherFlow(SystemService systemService) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("findUserEnricherChannel")
.enrich((enricher) -> enricher
.propertyExpression("email", "payload.email")
.propertyExpression("password", "payload.password"))
You still could simply your question pointing only to one gateway method and one enricher...