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DIV height doesn't working in pdfhtm iText?

I'm trying to put the image inside a Div. However, the height attribute doesn't get applied inside the generated PDF.

I wish to restrict the image height according to the DIV height. If the image is of smaller dimensions then the image shouldn't stretch, keeping the image dimension as it is.


   <div style="height: 396.0pt !important; border: 1px solid red;"> 
   <img border="0" src="C:/naveed personal/eclipse-jee-oxygen-M2-win32-x86_64/eclipse/Docs_a0Lg000000XzFhgEAF_4/015g0000001O9Qf.JPG"> 



  • I think you might want to consider setting height to percentage of div. Here's an example of how you would do that.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    html, body {
      height: 100%;
    } {
      height: auto;
      width: auto;
    img.two {
      height: 50%;
      width: 50%;
    <h2>Set the height and width in %</h2>
    <p>Resize the browser window to see the effect.</p>
    <p>Original image:</p>
    <img class="one" src="ocean.jpg" width="300" height="300"><br>
    <p>Sized image (in %):</p>
    <img class="two" src="ocean.jpg" width="300" height="300">