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Writing a program in C that uses recursion to determine if a number is prime or not. Getting a stack overflow error at high numbers

Writing a program in C that uses recursion to determine if a number is prime or not. It works until you try it with a prime number above 9431. Anything higher than that gets a stack overflow error. I was wondering if there was some way to fix this.

I haven't really tried anything other than see at which number it fails at, which varies each time.

//Remove scanf error

//Preprocessor directives

//Recursion function
int PrimeCheck(int choice, int i)
    //Check if integer i is reduced to 1
    if (i == 1)
        return 0;
        //Check to see if number choice is divisible by value i
        if (choice % i == 0)
            return 1;

        //Call the function again but reduce the second variable by 1
            return PrimeCheck(choice, i - 1);
}//End PrimeCheck function

//Main function
    //Assign needed variables
    int choice, num;

    //ask for user input
    printf("Please enter a number between 2 and %i:", INT_MAX);
    scanf("%i", &choice);

    //Check for numbers outside the range
    if (choice < 2 || choice > INT_MAX)
        printf("Please try again and enter a valid number.\n");
        return 0;

    //Call the PrimeCheck "looping" function
    num = PrimeCheck(choice, choice / 2);

    //Display result for the user
    if (num == 0)
        printf("%i is a prime number.\n", choice);

        printf("%i is NOT a prime number.\n", choice);

}//End main

The output should be "____ is a prime number" or "____ is NOT a prime number" The actual output above 9431 is a stack overflow error.


  • One help, reduce tests.

    PrimeCheck(choice, choice / 2); iterates about choice/2 times when only sqrt(choice) times needed.

    Instead of starting at choice/2

    PrimeCheck(choice, sqrt(choice));

    Better code would avoid small rounding error and integer truncation with

    PrimeCheck(choice, lround(sqrt(choice)));

    or if you have access to an integer square root function:

    PrimeCheck(choice, isqrt(choice));

    For 9431, this will reduce stack depth by about a factor of 50 - and speeds the program.

    Speed performance tip. Rather than iterate from choice / 2 or sqrt(choice) down to 1. Go up from 2 to sqrt(choice). Non-primes will be detected much faster.


    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    bool isprimeR_helper(unsigned test, unsigned x) {
      // test values too large, we are done
      if (test > x/test ) {
        return true;
      if (x%test == 0) {
        return false; // composite
      return isprimeR_helper(test + 2, x);
    bool isprimeR(unsigned x) {
      // Handle small values
      if (x <= 3) {
        return x >= 2;
      // Handle other even values
      if (x %2 == 0) {
        return false;
      return isprimeR_helper(3, x);
    int main(void) {
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
        if (isprimeR(i)) {
          printf(" %u", i);


    2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... 49991 49993 49999

    Implementations notes

    Do not use if (test*test > x). Use test > x/test

    • test*test may overflow. x/test will not.

    • Good compilers will see nearby x/test and x%test and compute both effectively as one operation. So if code has x%test, the cost of x/test if often negligible.