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How to bind overloaded functions with Luabind?

I am writing a game engine in c++ which will provide Lua scripting ( for which wrapping I am using Luabind ) and I am having some problems to bind overloaded functions. Namely: I have am overloaded function :

void setGlobalPosition(const Vec3& position);

void setGlobalPosition(Real x, Real y, Real z);

And I would like to expose both of these to lua. obviously this is wrong:

luabind::module(L)[ luabind::class_<Critter::Body>("Body") .def("setGlobalPosition", &Critter::Body::setGlobalPosition ) ];

I have found a way to do it on this site (very good tutorial for Luabind - I strongly recommend it) like this :

luabind::module(L)[ luabind::class_<Critter::Body>("Body") .def("setGlobalPosition", (void( Critter::Body::*)(const Vector3&))Critter::Body::setGlobalPosition ) ];

but it also gives me errors (I can attach them if somebody is interested).

I have also tried .def("setGlobalPosition", Critter::Body::setGlobalPosition<Vector3> ) but still errors.

Any ideas how can I do it ?

EDIT: Ok, I have found a way to do it like that:

.def("setGlobalPosition", ( void(Critter::Body::*)(Vector3) ) &Critter::Body::setGlobalPosition )

from the luabind documentation but I get errors (the first one):

error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'void (__thiscall Critter::Body::* )(Ogre::Vector3)'

but anyway the problem arises cuz this function is inherited (it comes from NxOgre::Actor:: so I don't that the right approach anyway

EDIT 2 :

I have just tried to bind the version of function with 3 floats as parameters and ... surprisingly everything compiles just fine but the version with vector3 does not.... :(

this is what I have used to implement 3 float function:

.def("setGlobalPosition", ( void(Critter::Body::*)(float,float,float) ) &Critter::Body::setGlobalPosition )

I am stumped about this ;(


  • As DeadMG pointed out, you are missing an ampersand before the member function. The tutorial you linked is also missing it. Some compilers might not care, but g++ does and probably some others do too.