I need to have AD User Account Expiration Date and now how many months and date its remain until will be disabled.
I tried the code under but I am getting in the months 1 and I have less than one month I would like to have answer like 0 month and 27 days
$StartDate (DateNow)
2019-08-29 00:00:00
2019-09-26 00:00:00
$ExpirDate = Get-ADUser test111 -Properties AccountExpirationDate | select AccountExpirationDate
2019-09-26 00:00:00
$EndDate= $ExpirDate.AccountExpirationDate
2019-09-26 00:00:00
$StartDate = (GET-DATE)
2019-08-29 00:00:00
NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $StartDate –End $EndDate
Days : 27
Hours : 10
Minutes : 29
Seconds : 56
$monthdiff = $EndDate.month - $StartDate.month + (($EndDate.Year - $StartDate.year) * 12)
(Here I got the number 1 but I have less than one month)
You can just do normal arithmetic on dates, but if there are no months, it will return $null not 0.
$today - date
$ExpirDate = Get-ADUser test111 -Properties AccountExpirationDate | select AccountExpirationDate
$diffday = $today - $expirDate
if ($diffday.months -eq $null)
$Diffday.months =0