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How to make right to left in jquery listview

I want make right to left arabic words in jquery listview. i did try many ways, but no success. i want make rtl for arabic words, but ltr for latin words inside same li. This is what i tried:

I tried to add dir="RTL" inside li or in css, but no success

  <a href="1.htm" rel="external">
    <font style="white-space:normal; font-size: 20pt; font-family: Traditional Arabic;" dir="RTL">Arabic words</font>
      <font style="white-space:normal; font-size: 10pt" dir="LTR">LATIN</font>


  • instead of dir="rtl" use style="direction:rtl" or style="direction:ltr". Hope below changed code will help you. To better understanding I put some extra dots(..) after arabic words and LATIN.

    <li style="direction:rtl">
        <a href="1.htm" rel="external" >
            <font style="white-space:normal; font-size: 20pt; font-family: Traditional 
            Arabic;">Arabic words...</font>
           <div style="direction:ltr">
               <font style="white-space:normal; font-size: 10pt">LATIN.....</font>

    hope it will help. pardon me if I misunderstood and let me know.